Black lines in the watch window

On some installations of Visual Studio 2010, 2012 or 2013 I’m confronted with strange behavior. One of these strange things are the black lines in the Watch Window of Visual Studio. Just like the screenshot below (this isn’t my screenshot, I’ve ‘borrowed’ it from someone else) Normally this has something to do with the graphics driver, but updating these drivers doesn’t work all the times. There’s also a work around for this problem, described on the MSDN forum. Read more →

Don’t build your solutions in Visual Studio

The solutions in the project I’m working on are quite big and can easily take up 30 to 90 seconds to build, even though we have rather fast laptops. This is probably because of some build-plugins we are forced to use and the tight SharePoint integration of those plugins. Nevertheless, it’s quite annoying to see Visual Studio ‘hang’ every time you build your solution. Last week I had some time on my hands to do some research on how we could improve these long builds. Read more →

Bookmarks in PDF maken

Onlangs ben ik weer begonnen met het studeren voor de nieuwe certificaten voor ASP.NET 4.0 en Sharepoint 2010. Hier zijn momenteel al enkele goede boeken die kunnen helpen met het leren van de materie, zoals: Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, Fourth Edition - Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Building Solutions for SharePoint 2010 - SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform - Pro SharePoint 2010 Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and Office - https://apress. Read more →

Excel 2007 in meerdere vensters

Met de invoering van Excel 2007 is er ook een ‘leuke’ feature ingeslopen, namelijk dat je meerdere bestanden in 1 workbook open hebt. Dit betekend dat alle bestanden in 1 scherm van Excel staan. Wel is er nog de optie om ze in de Taskbar als afzonderlijke sessie te laten zien, maar ze blijven in 1 venster zitten. Persoonlijk vind ik dit behoorlijk vervelen, vooral wanneer je met 2 schermen werkt. Read more →