Loading certificates with Azure Functions

Using certificates to secure, sign and validate information has become a common practice in the past couple of years. Therefore, it makes sense to use them in combination with Azure Functions as well. As Azure Functions are hosted on top of an Azure App Service this is quite possible, but you do have to configure something before you can start using certificates. Adding your certificate to the Function App Let’s just start at the beginning, in case you are wondering on how to add these certificates to your Function App. Read more →

Enable SSL for your Azure Functions

You might remember me writing a post on how you can set up your site with SSL while using Let’s Encrypt and Azure App Services. Well, as it goes, the same post applies for Azure Functions. You just have to do some extra work for it, but it’s not very hard. Simon Pedersen, the author of the Azure Let’s Encrypt site extension, has done some work in explaining the steps on his GitHub wiki page. Read more →

Automate deploying Azure Functions with VSTS

In the past couple of years the software industry has come a long way in professionalizing the development environment. One of the things which has improved significantly is automating the builds and being able to continuously deploy software. Having a continuous integration and -deployment environment is the norm nowadays, which means I (and probably you as a reader also) want to have this when creating Azure Functions also! There are dozens of build servers and deployment tools available, but because Azure Functions are highly likely being deployed in Microsoft Azure, it makes sense to use Visual Studio Team Services with Release Management. Read more →

Starting with Azure Functions

Lately, I’ve been busy learning more about creating serverless solutions. Because my main interest lies within the Microsoft Azure stack I surely had to check out the Azure Functions offering. Azure Functions enable you to create a serverless solutions which are completely event-based. As it’s located within the Azure space, you can integrate easily with all of the other Azure services, like for example the service bus, Cosmos DB, storage, but also external services like SendGrid and GitHub! Read more →

Setting up your site with SSL and Let’s Encrypt on Azure App Services

It has become increasingly important to have your site secured via some kind of certificate. Even your Google ranking is affected by it. The main problem with SSL/TLS certificates is the fact most of them cost money. Now, I don’t have any problem with paying some money for something like a certificate, but it will cost quite a lot if I want to set this up for all of my sites & domains. Read more →