Using deploymentScripts to do additional IaC work

Most people who are professionally working with any of the cloud providers use some kind of infrastructure-as-code solution. For Microsoft Azure, I’m mostly working with ARM- or Bicep templates to describe the resources necessary. While I’ve written ARM templates for years now, I’m enjoying creating Bicep templates a bit more due to the tooling it offers. There is at least one downside to using these solutions, and that’s the fact most operations are happening on the Azure control plane. Read more →

Create a Service Principal to create and manage other Service Principals

When you need to work with service principals in your Azure environment, you are probably creating them via some script using the az ad sp command. This works quite well, but these are created with your account. The account you used to log in with the Azure CLI. The same goes when using PowerShell, it’s always running in the context you used to log in. Most of the time your personal or environment administrator account. Read more →