Create Storage Queue and Table Storage in your deployment

You’re probably familiar with Azure Storage Accounts. They are great and cheap! Also, it’s possible to add the features Storage Queues & Table Storage on those accounts. I’m using Storage Queues a lot! Most of the time because I don’t need the enterprise features which Azure Service Bus offers me. Table Storage is also great if you want to store data in a cheap NoSQL-style database. While I try to avoid Table Storage, in favor of Cosmos DB most of the time, this ‘old’ service still has value in lots of use-cases. Read more →

Creating an Event Grid Topic subscription to a resource in a different resource group

With all of the great services in Azure, it’s easy to set up a nice event-driven architecture. You have Storage Queues, Service Bus Queues & Topics, Event Grid and even more services which can help you accomplish great stuff. I like the three services mentioned here and most of the time they cover the basics of my messaging infrastructure. One thing you need to do yourself is think about the boundaries of your domains and how to organize all of the services. Read more →

My recommendations for a streaming and video edit setup of 2020

It has become quite popular to do webcasts, live-streaming and other types of video stuff on the internet. Last year, in 2019, I have started doing this myself also. We’ve started doing so-called 4DNCasts, which is a webcast where a couple of colleagues and I talk about development & technology stuff. I’m also doing live-coding sessions myself on Twitch and store the recordings on my YouTube channel. There are also a couple of other, virtual sessions, which you can find on this channel. Read more →

App Service Resource Provider Access to Keyvault

Recently, I was trying to deploy an Azure App Service which was in need for a couple of certificates, which are stored in Azure Key Vault. Our ARM template looked very similar to the one below in order to install & configure the certificates in our App Service. "resources": [ { "type": "Microsoft.Web/certificates", "name": "[parameters('certificateName')]", "apiVersion": "2019-08-01", "location": "[parameters('existingAppLocation')]", "properties": { "keyVaultId": "[parameters('existingKeyVaultId')]", "keyVaultSecretName": "[parameters('existingKeyVaultSecretName')]", "serverFarmId": "[parameters('existingServerFarmId')]" } }, { "type": "Microsoft. Read more →

Static Site With Azure Cdn and Cloudflare

In my last post, I described how to create a Hugo website and what I did to migrate from my Miniblog platform, along with some details on how to create the build & deployment pipeline. I started by deploying my Hugo websites to a regular Azure App Service. This is a full-blown web application platform. It’s a bit too overpowered for hosting a simple, static, website. As I mentioned in the earlier post, it makes a lot more sense to host static websites on an Azure Storage Account with the Static website hosting. Read more →