I’ve been creating solutions for customers on my development laptop for years now. This works great as it’s a portable device and we get to have some great hardware in a compact form nowadays. However, laptops are still quite slow when you compare them to a desktop. This has become quite noticeable to me as I’ve been doing more development on my new desktop.
You can get some nice laptops with desktop-like performance, but most of the time it’ll cost a lot of money and will add a couple of pounds in weight.
Read more →My last post was on integrating your Azure App Service with a virtual network (VNet). This post is the other way around. It’s on how to put your App Service in a VNet, or rather, behind a VNet.
If you want to put your Azure App Service inside a VNet, you’ll have to look for the App Service Environment (ASE). This is an offering of dedicated machines that are placed inside a VNet and you’re paying a rather hefty fee for this.
Read more →It’s always a good idea to secure the resources in your Azure subscriptions. One way to do this is by using virtual networks. In a lot of cases, you will put SQL Azure servers, storage accounts and, other services in a virtual network. This will make sure the services can’t be accessed from the public internet unless you explicitly say so.
There are many more advantages to putting services in a virtual network, which I won’t be covering in this post.
Read more →Some time ago, about 7 months, I had to build a service that creates a PDF document from HTML. The library of choice was IronPDF. Creating PDF documents with this library is a breeze, but we stumbled across a small issue.
The HTML-to-PDF-converter-service is hosted inside an Azure Function, for reasons. We noticed creating the documents took quite a lot of time. After inspecting the allocated instances we discovered both the CPU and Memory were constantly spiking to maximum capacity.
Read more →A while ago I was confronted with the fact one of our Azure App Services needed multiple hostname bindings.
I was planning to do this by making multiple Microsoft.Web/sites/hostNameBindings resources, for this specific App Service, in our ARM template. When deploying I was confronted with the following error
{ "ErrorEntity": { "Code": "Conflict", "Message": "Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress. [some more details]", "ExtendedCode": "59203", "MessageTemplate": "Cannot modify this site because another operation is in progress.
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