It’s one of those things you need to do once and forget about it. Sometimes it’s necessary to develop something which required talking to a webservice. A lot of the times, the webservice is secured with an SSL certificate in the real world.
As most companies don’t want to spend good money to real SSL certificates for development workstations/servers, we have to create our own. You can of course develop the functionality with a non-secured environment, but for testing purposes it’s probably useful to have the test environment match the QA or production servers.
Read more →In the past couple of years I’ve written quite a lot of documentation, be it functional, technical, help files for end-users, flyers, proposals and much more. Most developers I know try to avoid writing these kind of things as much as they can, but let’s face it, it is part of our job.
At the moment I’m working in a team with pretty smart and experienced developers, but as it goes, one of our team members has been placed on an other team at a different customer and I was asked to replace him.
Read more →As of two weeks ago I’ve had the privilege to start doing some development work in a project where a lot of expression trees are used and most classes have at least one implementation of a Func delegate. There’s nothing wrong with that, as it’s something which dates from the .NET 3.0 era if I’m not mistaken, so every .NET 3.5 certified/professional developer should know the existence of them. Downside is, if your only real experience with the matter is reading them up in a text book, there’s a big chance you have forgotten on how and why to use it.
Read more →Another SharePoint farm installation, another problem.
I had to install SharePoint 2007 (don’t ask..) on a Windows Server 2008R2 development machine. This is quite doable, as long as you install Service pack 2 of SharePoint. I figured it would be no problem and just another install, like I’ve done a gazillion times before.
Everything went quite well and because of the SSD disk, the installation didn’t take as long as I was used to.
Read more →A few weeks ago I had to create an application which would download files from several SharePoint libraries. I had just done a similar thing for a Windows Phone 7 application, so I could reuse most of the code.
After running the application I received an awkward exception message which said: “This stream does not support seek operations”. This exception was triggered by the following code snippet:https://
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.
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